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At Village Birth Collective, we exist to support women and their families through the birth process. It is our hope to offer relational, physical, emotional, and spiritual nurturing as your family grows and changes. We believe life-giving is a community experience and we would love to walk alongside you in this journey. 

Our collective consists of three birth doulas, a postpartum doula, placenta encapsulator, massage therapist, and  photographer.



For centuries, women have come together to help a pregnant woman journey through pregnancy, labor, and into motherhood. We believe that this should happen in our community today, and we would be honored to have the opportunity to walk that journey with you. Village Birth Collective was born out of a passion for helping women experience their most beautiful birth possible. Our desire is to help women feel loved, valued, and respected as they labor to bring their babies into the world.


Hey There Mama!

it Takes a village to Birth A Child.
We're here to be Your Village.

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Frequently Asked Questions

01. What is a doula?

A doula is a professional labor assistant.

02. What is the role of a doula?

A doula offers continuous emotional, physical, and mental support during the labor process, and is available throughout your pregnancy and postpartum period to answer any questions you may have.

03. What is the difference between the role of a birth partner and the role of a doula?

Your birth partner knows you, and our doulas know birth. Our goal is to work with your birth partner to support you. Birth partners are incredibly important and cannot be replaced by a doula.

04. How do our doulas interact with birth partners?

We want to support your partner as much as we support you. We ask that if possible, they be present for prenatal meetings so we can get to know them just as we get to know you. 

05. What is the benefit of having a doula?

With a doula, clients are less likely to use pain relief medications and have reported to have a more positive birth experience. Having a doula decreases the overall cesarean rate by 50%, the length of labor by 25%, the use of oxytocin by 40%, and requests for an epidural by 60%. For more information, see the study Continuous Support For Women During Childbirth and this article.

06. What is the cost of hiring a doula and what does it entail?

Our standard package is $1,500. See our services for details.

07. What do our doulas not do?

Our doulas do not do anything medical, do not make decisions for you, and do not speak to medical staff on your behalf. However, we would love to talk through your options with you and help to determine your desires with the medical staff. 

08. Are doulas only for natural birth? 

No. Doulas can be helpful for any type of birth! We have worked with all different types of clients and birth experiences and believe you know what is best for you. We strive to help you have a memorable and enjoyable pregnancy, labor, and delivery; whatever that is for you.